Friday, March 20, 2009


OK so first off I suppose it has been awhile since I made a blog post, well actually I made numerous blog posts its just after re-reading them I decided that they weren't fit to be seen by the public so I hid them in a deep dark underground laboratory somewhere near dromore...

Now if I recall I decided awhile back that with every blog post I would state the song I am listening too, my mood and I have no decided to add “my favourite quote” and maybe some other bull crap as of when writing so...

Music: The Smashing Pumpkins – The Aeroplane flies high

Mood: Tired and slightly angry but I don't know why...

Favourite Quote: “Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them” -Dion Boucicault

Ok so now the formalities are over onto the more blog part of the blog, but now my problem is after all this time of constantly joking, talking, ranting etc. I am wordless and that's why this blog has remained empty! But hopefully it will go ok..


Matlab – Satan's Mathematical Bitch

Ok so for my applied module this term instead of doing two written class tests we get to do one and a computer practical exam. This program of pure evil is called Matlab well except its not actually the program which is pure evil its more the teacher. We got one and half hours of “learning Matlab” and then an hour of the exam but last time I checked throwing a book with examples which you just copy into a program and hit enter does not count as learning. To teach say how to input a vector function into Matlab you should demonstrate and break each bit down explaining why there are random decimal places everywhere and what they are used for. You don't just shout at people for getting it wrong when you don't bother your bloody ass to explain it.

Actually contrary to popular belief of this rant my Matlab exam went rather well but I know if I ever meet the Satan of computers that is the weird man (who's name I didn't even bother to learn) I will rip the keyboard out of the computer and smack him repeatedly in the face screaming “WHY A DECIMAL POINT WHY!?!”

Ok I have completely lost any train of thought I just keep picturing me beating him now... Hmmm


PSP 3000 The Same Console as always... BUT RED!!!

Now for the next bit of my blog to be valid please take a few moments to watch this video, don't worry I'll wait for you to come back!!

Ok now that your back and I have a cup of tea let us continue! Now if you don't know Sony are teaming up with youtube and doing a “everything in your hands” or “your life in your hands” or some strangely named competition. As you may of guessed you have to fit your whole life into your hands using strange weird ways, film it and then send it to them. Now this video got me thinking several things.

1- OH MY WORD she has the coolest sword ever I have been trying to get that for ages but bah blade laws and money!

2- I am going to enter that competition so that means I am going to need everyone's help so if your interested email me after you read this!

3- Holy crap that girls is hot.....

4- Holy crap her smile is hot......

5- Did I mention she is VERY VERY VERY HOT?!?!


So yes this means I am quickly planning a video to rival that! But I only have a week or so which could lead to a lot of problems but if anyone has any big ideas and wants to help and can like split the prize then come talk to me! I will keep you posted on how the video goes!

Ok well kids its 12am and I have to get up for work at 8 so I really should go to bed so hopefully this will help with your fix of Jordanian for awhile so until next time stay safe, cool and bring me lots of money.....


P.s. - Yeah I am so poor right now so really bring me lots of cash!

P.s. 2 – Why are girls stupid and speak in Morse code?

P.s. 3 – I am planning on starting a blogly competition so keep your eyes open!!

P.s. 4 - If you want to know what HRHGWS then you better beg!!

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