Friday, September 5, 2008


I try to never update my bebo profile and its for one main reason, it cripples me. Evertyime you try to adjust the "info" on your profile it always makes me wonder deeply about the crazy questions which are meant to be simple but sometimes can just make you realise your abit too damaged inside. Simple questions like "When are you happiest?" become "Well when am i truely happy?" or "What do you love?" becomes "What do i truely love thats not a fad and won't be forgotten in 4 weeks.

Though after all this i still find the hardest part of all deciding on your top friends. Its the same with facebook i seem to end up adding endless and avst amounts of people who either use me or i just dont know yet in this small virtual land they are "Friends". How are you meant to choose out of all those random pictures with names who truely deserves a spot on your top friends list and worse still is the fact that when you finally make up your mind either no one cares cause it is just a pathetic website or people moan cause they aren't as high as they want to be.

Now i did think when i started this blog that it would actually be a very happy go lucky blog and it just seems to be slipping into a deeper and darker tone of depression which makes me wonder do the two people who actually bother to read this really need to know how truely and deeply damaged i am.

To that end i have decided maybe not to bother blogging until i can find something to really and truely be happy about.

Well lets hope this is not my last post!!


P.s.- Daniel i still can't believe you have this on your RSS feed!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can RSS feed this??!!!

Oh Jordan *hugs*.

Bebo must die in my opinion. Yet my total inability to destroy my account shows the feebleness of my willpower... quelle horreur!