Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Updates boring i know...

Ok just wanted to make a few updates of boring things i have forgotten to mention or point out. Ok now as you can gatehr i am a big fan of stargate and has anyone realised that the little symbol to the right of the title kinda looks like the lost city of Atlantis? I mean back to topic...

OK to my left you will see a strange funky robot, actually going toa dd it below as well so you can get a better look at him! He is my new mascot kindly designed by Daniel Duke for Moi. Now Daniel is a close friend and evyr cool designer and i could give you a link to his blog if i could rememebr it so... (Insert Link here later once you rememebr FOOL!) Now i know i have like 2 readers but if anyone would like to name the mascot please leave any ideas for names in a comment below.

Just before i go it seems that James Duke (Daniel's twin brother) Has started to write a song about my last blog post, which i think is ridiculous but i look forward to seeing it!!


P.s. - Ciara prepare to get SOAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My blog is www.somewordsandpictures.wordpress.com Jordan!