Sunday, August 31, 2008

Two hearts are beating in opposite directions, what the frick OOOH What the frick!?!

"Love?... Love? I hate the word, As i hate Mac, all PlayStation 3's and thee!"

Ok well i don't really HATE mac just dislike even though there is one downstairs which i regularly use. ANYWAY i have to get some crap off my chest about a general subject which i hate, called Love. Now in all honesty if i could remove one emotion in my world it would be Love well i would keep love for family and friends but not madly in love.

As i mentioned in a previous blog i had fallen madly in love again and i want to talk about it abit more cause its bloody ridiculous. The person in question i hate, i hate with a pure passion because most of the times she is an utter bitch to me yet i still Love eher cause she doesn't mean it alot of the time and it seems she is naturally just a bitch. Now i fell madly in love during a move and it was like some utter horrible scene out of some soppy Love novel.

"As i leaned in casually to tell her a joke i noticed the lovely glint of the dim cinema light reflecting in her beautiful clear eyes. I watched as she leaned in closer, her face looking ever more beautiful as the battle raged in the background. She slowly started to smile, arching her lips revealing her lovely pearly smile that made me turn to mush every single time. I tried to speak, but my heart was kidnapped in a brawl of hormones and adrenaline. I felt my heart beat like a raging ocean and my mind screaming her name constantly over and over again. I wanted to grab her and give her the deep passionate kiss i had been longing to give her for the last few years but i knew it would never happen. She started to giggle which echoed deep down in my soul making me love her even more. I finished my sentence still mesmerized in her beauty. I started to move back knowing that if i stared any longer it would be the death of me. As we returned to watching the epic fight scene i slowly looked in the corner of my eye at her still undieing beauty in the dim light. Wishing and hoping that she could be mine"

Yeah horrible mushy crap, but thats preety much what happened, STUPID SLOW MOTION LOVE MOMENT THINGS!!! So as the title says there is some sort of uncoordinated split of opinion. One part of me loves her and even that part slightly hates her but then i have my other problem. So there is this girl that once upon a time i met randomly at a birthday party and during the party i thought she was very cool and got on well even though she was as quiet as a mouse. After that i didn't see her until a random formal i went to (the one where Peter was my date since his girlfriend couldn't go XD hehe) but didn't get to talk much. After that i seen her every now and then in school and at friends houses and slowly i started to like her. Now after completely forgetting about her (Sorry) i ended up bumping into her an undisclosed amount of time ago and really got to talk to her properly and she is lovely. No reason for me to hate her, no bitchyness and she is just amazing. So once again love is destroying me by spliting em in two.

Now my problem with this isn't "WHAT DO I DOOOOOOOO BAH SHOULD I SAY ANYTHING TO THEM!" because i know i have no hope with either i am more just pissed off that once again my body as foolishly fallen in love and i don't like having no hope, it just makes me die inside but i can't stop stupid emotions eh?



P.s. - I once sat a cat with a fiddle..... he wore a big hat.... yeah this is random.... but so is your face!

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