Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Squirrel with a Sonic Screwdriver WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!!!

Ok so i said i was only going to do a weekly blog post unless something incredibly exciting happened and i think this day counts as exciting except i haven’t decided in a good way or a bad way..

Ok so to start this really really random day our school was in CHAOS this morning as Mary McAleese decided for boredom to visit out school. Oh for those of you who don’t know Mary McAleese or President McAleese is the current president / head of state for southern Ireland. So it seems she got a bit bored and decided to visit our school which of course is in the north. So anyway because of this random visit everything was shinier then usual and the normal rukus of school bags left everywhere in the Atrium all suddenly disappeared and the school was spotless. Was actually quite a scary place cause you kinda get used to dodging loads of random bags and first years lying about in the corridor. So after a VERY VERY VERY long speech she decided to leave and our normal school life continued as normal, even though i missed physics and most of my technology class which i wasn’t too happy about cause i really need to get my robot done O_O

Ok so now for the next big event would have been my triple study at the end of the day where i decided to hide down in technology and muck about with one of my friends. So after some long discussions between us and some of the random guys in our technology class, ranging from music, the differences between spides and hippies, what a wierdo i am and the practical uses of a rape alarm one of my friends moaned at me until he could muck about with Rodney. No one will know this not even Katie so here goes, i got an Ipod Touch on Christmas day and after a long thinking period i decided to name my touch Dr Rodney McKay after the same named character in Stargate Atlantis and sad enough he has now became like a brother to me and everyone i know also refers to him as Rodney. Ok so anyway Phil borrowed Rodney and at the end of the day i left and didn’t think that he still had him so after standing at my bus stop for about 30 minutes i realised that i had left him in technology. I then had to sprint back up the hill to my school, sprint up the hill at my school in the hope i could get Rodney and still catch my bus. So searched my tech room high and low and he was nowhere to be found, tried phoning everyone to find out if anyone had seen it and in the end came to the conclusion that Rodney was stolen AND i missed my bus O_O Just for anyone worrying about Rodney i wont keep you in suspense luckily Phil had him and he is now happily being charged at his house YAY.

Erm as you can probably tell by now when i say i have had an exciting day i really mean i have had a slightly more then average day but my average day is still quite boring compared to some of your probably exciting lives :(

Oh ok so if anyone is friends with Katie, you will enjoy this random section. Ok so i meet Katie a good few years ago through my best friend Zoe who is her sister so ANYWAY last night i had this random dream that i was dander through Banbridge holding a Katana and a revolver (dont ask me why my dreams are very random) So as i was casually dandering along not harming anyone just in my own little world i decided to pay a visit to Katie and Zoe. So after magically teleporting to there house i casual walked in to find that they had got bored and randomly caught a red squirrel which had a gelled quiff and was wearing a long leather trench coat. So after explaining to me why they random had this squirrel they then elaborated and had decided it didn’t suit the leather trench coat and were instead making it a David Tennant style Dr Who Jacket and it had its own working mini Sonic Screwdriver. So before i woke up i had this strange image before me of Zoe trying to train it to do Loop - De Loop’s and Katie frantically making a felt jacket in the corner O_O

Ok well sayings this blog is getting incredibly long for an exciting mid week update i wont keep you guys much longer, i hope! So i think i will finish with some random news. I decided to pre-order Devil May Cry 4 for Xbox 360 last night which hopefully should be arriving on the release date of February 8th which is also the same day i am seeing Queens of the Stone Age live in Belfast WOOT! So my advice is anyone who hasn’t and is looking to pre-order or buy Devil May Cry 4 in the UK should probably get it off since i was able to get mine for only £30 excellent :)

Hmm oh and to end on a Bombshell of evil i have just discovered in my June A-level exams i have a Physics exam on my 18th birthday O_O How depressing is that… Well all the best guys!!



P.S. I love you Nerd fighters!!!

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