Sunday, August 10, 2008


Well i have decided unless something incredibly exciting happens i will probably make my blog weekly and recap on whats happened over the the past week and because i am severally bored i am doing it tonight instead of the wiser Sunday approach.

Well this week hasn’t been incredibly exciting since i was only at school two days because i had my A-level maths statistics exam on Tuesday and got the day before and after off which just involved me sleeping… *cough* and revision…. It was good to finally get back to school, its actually weird how much you start to miss your classes after you have been off a few weeks but it was still good to escape on Friday afternoon!

Oh actually on second thought something vaguely interesting happened, our Technology teacher decided he wanted all of our System development pages in by last period on Friday and pretty much said if we didn’t have it done we shouldn’t bother coming to class. I will point out now either he didn’t realise no one had it done or else he thought no one would have the balls to skip class. I thought it was quite funny until i realised i had about 5 A3 pages of robotic designs to do over the weekend while still working at moy park JOY and yes before anyone asks i am building a robot, i am a really really nerdy guy..

So on Friday night i seen P.s. I love you and even though its a very chick flick style film i did feel quite teary at the end and really really enjoyed it. Only problem is for the next month i have to take cold showers while screaming “I’M A MANLY MAN!!!” but it was worth it.

Ok so this can be quite random but at the moment i have offers for a Masters in Maths or Physics with Astrophysics and i have to decide between both of them and i was just wondering if anyone is reading this and has done or is doing either of those University courses if they would be able to leave a comment and tell me what they are like so i can finally make up my damn mind!!

Bye and DFTBA!!!!!

Jordan A.K.A Foyfighter

I love you… *cough* i mean… arm oh yes if anyone is wondering why my blog title is Kryptonite it is because i heard 3 Doors Down (i think) - Kryptonite in work today and i adore that song and its the first time i have heard it in years so i thought i would dedicate my blog to it. I am starting to wonder if this blog was actually a good idea cause i think its just letting the world know how weird i am…. Well better get back to doing my coursework since i don’t want to spend my Sunday night relax time doing horrible horrible work

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