Sunday, August 10, 2008


Well so much for me updating my blog every Sunday… Well as punishment i am going to write a huge blog a kind of life update i know that no one probably reads this but i feel if i can write it all down it can relieve a bit of stress from my mind. Oh i am also going to steal an idea from another blog i am going to try and note any songs i am listening to when i write this kinda stuff and my mood. So lets get the ball rolling!!!

Song - My Chemical Romance - I Don’t Love You (Before you say anything i don’t like MCR but just ignore this and i will explain in a rant later)

Mood - Slowly slipping from a good mood into depression

*Warning - This blog is going to contain several rants which will be mixed in between general information but for fun i am going to number each rant and give it a title, yeah you can tell i am very bored*


Rant 1 - ITouch

Ok as i mentioned in my first blog for Christmas i got a 16Gig Itouch called “Dr Rodney Meridith McKay” Named after the physicist in Stargate Atlantis. Now i love Rodney, i think the touch screen makes listening to music more natural and just allows us to create a closer bond with our MP3 players but unfortunately this comes at a price. First off when i wanted my Itouch Apple said that they would not make a bigger capacity for at least a year until they could get the flash small so they would keep the handset the same size. LIERS! now i know the 32Gig is really expensive and i wouldn’t have got it anyway but its just the way they lied and i was starting to like Apple as well. What actually peeves me off more is the January software update which goes as “Ok yeah we made a mistake all the iphone stuff should have came on the itouch, so yeah its all our fault therefore any new Itouch gets the programs free…… but anyone who was faithful to us has to pay £12 HAHAHA” like WTF!?!?!?! (Bah i hate using the computer lingo) So ANNOYING!!!!! But yeah Rodney if you are reading this i love you still even though your creator and possible Gods are in fact Bastards!!!


Ok life has been a little up and down since last time i posted a blog, thats kinda why i haven’t been blogging i have either been too tired from work or just too depressed to even bother, but its easter and even though i have little energy from last nights escapades (will be explained later) I WILL BLOG BECAUSE THIS IS SPARDA!!!!! ish…. I can’t believe this i had piles to write about in between my rants and now i have forgotten them all!! bah ok i think its time for another rant so i can remember…


Rant 2 - Itunes

BAH THIS PROGRAM WHOEVER MADE THIS SHOULD DIE!!!!!! Its totally unstable and just bloody annoying! I keep trying to install it on an external drive or another partition of my HDD but every time it says “You don’t have enough space on C” BUT I AM NOT INSTALLING TO C I AM INSTALLING TO Z!!!!!! COME ON YOUR A PROGRAM I AM A HUMAN EVEN I CAN UNDERSTAND IT!!! and whats worse is when it does install it wont even work.


As your probably starting to guess i have had alot of anger recently towards very random things so now for some random stories. Ok so my little sisters birthday is coming up soon so i decided to take a random trip to Belfast to try and hunt for a present she would love. And as usual when you go shopping for a really good task you never ever get that task completed! So on my random trip to belfast with the great Andrew who is totally addicted to ebay we witnessed one of the most amazing things of our nerdy lives.

The Blue Screen Of Belfast


YES THAT IS RIGHT A GIANT PROJECTED BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!!!!! Its so random how excited i get over this. Now whats even worse is normally its ok when a computer dies unexpectedly but i mean we passed this thing loads it was up like that for at least 5 hours and no one cared at all. No one stopped, and no one in the shop even bothered to turn it off. You can tell its a devoted company when they dont even look down for 2 seconds to check what the laptop is projecting it could have projecting a word document with passwords or porn and they didn’t even care!! Now i would rant about this blue screen error cause i hate it but i have so many things to rant about that i am cutting them down.


Rant 3 - Transsexuals (Read this before calling me an old bastard cause i have no probelms with people being transexuals so jsut read the rant!!)

Ok so today when i woke up i turned on the Tv and it seems my sister was watching Most Haunted on Living +1 last night, so when i turned to my sky channel it was showing a repeat of a 1st of July party show in America. Now this was one of those jerry springer esq shows so they decided to celebrate the 1st of july (Or is it the 4th? Independence day or something? Ok i don’t know if anyone American reads this could you leave me a comment with the correct one or email me at or something!!) by playing a game of “Born a boy or girl!” Like WTF!?! Lets celebrate our Independence day by getting loads of possible transsexuals on our show and guessing which one of them is male or female! Now it was quite weird random and humorous but i really started hating it when it turned out the girl i thought was undeniably a women and was really really hot turned out to be a man…. Lets just say i have to rethink my life….

So my rant is if your going to become a transsexual don’t be really good at it! Your just making the lives worse for guys who can barely get women because your adding more unobtainable bai. If you going to be a transexual why not follow in the foot steps of my friend here and do it badly:



I keep ranting so much i keep forgetting all the important stuff i was meant to talk about ok i am actually going to give up on this blog and come back to it when i can remember more but as an apology for not finishing this blog i am going to add some humourous pictures!




Always listen to the signs!!



The fun of being bored with a pricing gun!!

P.s. - Doctor Who starts this weekend which means a whole hour of drooling over the lovely and sexy David Tennant…. I AM SO NOT GAY THE TRANSSEXUAL WOMEN ON THAT SHOW LOOKED REALLY GIRLY!!!!! AHHHH

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