Friday, August 29, 2008

I haven't thought of a title so this will do ^_^

Well hello everyone, (When i say everyone i am preety much saying hello to my two readers). Now this blog post shall be dedicated to Claire since she says she is addicted again, but i find that hard to believe! Ok now lets get the usual stuff over with, at the moment you could say i am listening to the opening theme tune to Casino Royale since well i am watching it ^_^. As for my mood Smiling but unsure within, and before anyone asks i don’t even know what the blooming hell that means!!

On the third beep the time sponsered by FoyFighturist will be 23:26




*violins of james bond music*

Sorry getting lost in Chris Cornel’s lovely lovely vooooice. Ok so anyway tiem for my first mini section of my blog OHHH SUSPENSE!!

A Series of VERY fortunate and good events!!

Ok so after a few months of driving actually i dotn even think its that long but anyway i have discovered that the old Rover 200, Jake the T.A.R.D.I.S appears to be abit of a chic magnet. So the otehr day it had three very hot girls in it (You know you are!! And i am going to ignore the fact my car got brutally scratched because of it but yeah hot none the less!) and then tonight to add to it i seemed to have a topless Andrew in my car so yeah Jake i love you very much!!

And now for my second trick..

Ok so otehr then the stuff detalied above my week ahs been collectively ratehr clam and well bloody boring!! But it gave me a chance to restart reading my favoourite series of novels – The Dresden Files. Now i am in the middle or so of Summer Knight and it is heating up and i just love the writing style of Jim Butcher. Its amazing that even know you can soemtimes see where the plot line is going he can still make it shocking and exciting or just change direction comepletely and make you stop and stare at the book thinking “Oh my god...” Now i do admit i have been getting alot of dirty looks from my parents cause i have burst out laughing in the middle of the night because the book is sooo funny. In particular the Scene where the main characetr Dresden goes to a vampire dressed as a vampire and comes otu with the brilliant line “I’m not just a vampire i’m a cheesy one!!” I actualyl got sticthes!

*cough* yes i am sad.. very veyr sad.. *cough*

But what can you do i have anotehr 20 days of epic bordeum to fill before i hopefully get to move into my accomidation up in belfast, i am just hoping that i can actually get a laptop in time so i can keep posting blogs to my loyal 2 fans XD
Well i am starting to get tired, i really want to continue reading Summer Knight and i have work in the morning so i think its time to bring this very crap and random blog to an end!.


P.s. – Watched epiosde three of star wars again and it still makes my ehart bleed everytime when Obi-Won says to Anakin “You where like my brother!! I LOVED YOU!!” Ahhh poor Kenobi...

P.s. 2 – I hate girls...

P.s. 3 – I hate girls ALOT!!


1 comment:

Claire Castles said...

It's true! I am addicted.

So much so that you've inspired me to start my own:

PS- You're a sexy piece of meat, do you know that Jordy?