Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Beginning

Well this is my first ever blog post on Nerd Fighters WOOT Hopefully it will be the first of many but i warn you i am not very good at keeping a blog but i am hoping Katie will bully me into keeping it up to date hehe.

Well some random information my name is Jordan i am 17 and live in Portadown in Northern Ireland but i liek to call it Portyup…yes i am very sad but anyway. At the moment i am trying to set up a new Nerdy site with all my friends called “NGG - Nerds Go Global” which hopefully will become popular in the next few months but you know the hassle of trying to organize Nerds to do work they only really want to if its a game of halo or some large multi-player video game hehe.

I actually think thats all i am going to write about in this blog because its getting late, i have school and just bought a new docking station, Josephine, for my Ipod touch Rodney and i want to fiddle about with it and make sure they get on and don’t try and kill each other.

Cheerio for now!!!

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