Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well after some random adventuring on a forum i casually go on it seems that Sci-Fi has given the Green light for a Stargate Atlantis movie after the recent success of Stargate Continuum and The Ark of Truth. Now this is great news because i personally think the stargate movies have been amazing BUT unfortunately that means Season 5 will be the last season of SGA :(. Now after only recently coming to love Atlantis i am quite sad to see it go but i am also very excited over the new series "Stargate Universe" which will involve the 9th chevron.

"According to Cooper, Stargate Universe "maintains the spirit of Stargate, but opens up a whole new 'universe'." It is "a completely separate, third entity" – as opposed to Stargate Atlantis, which was created as a spin-off from the first series Stargate SG-1. Like the first two series in the franchise, Stargate Universe will take place during the present time, not in the distant future. The show will be "set on a ship that was part of an Ancient experiment" to seed the galaxies with Stargates millions of years ago but that was prematurely ended by the Ancients' ascension. After placing Stargates throughout multiple galaxies, a second ship would follow up and explore. When a team of explorers from Earth find an Ancient unmanned ship called the Destiny and are unable to return to Earth, the crew must fend for themselves aboard the ship as it takes them to the far reaches of the universe. The basis of Stargate Universe is that the ninth and final chevron, the purpose of which was previously unknown, would serve to get to the first ship. The show will involve more space-based action than SG-1 or Atlantis."

Information from Wikipedia

Now what i love about this plan is more space based action because some of the space ship fight scenes are amazing but i dono about this idea of a ship investigating a universe it seems great but could also be rather dodgy. So for the time being i am going to sit back, relax and wait to see if it is any good, which could be a looong time since the pilot of Stargate Universe will be sometime in early 2009.

Was thinking of creating a seperate blog just for random reviews of Stargate Atlantis episodes as the season has just begun but i don't know if i could really be bothered. Also rather tempted to start an Role playing forum but getting members is sooo hard and just generally annoying. Oh and thinking of names and ideas sucks!

Well thats all for now since i was just excited about Stargate and i am about to watch the 6th episode of season 5 and hopefully it will be a great one!!



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