Sunday, August 10, 2008


If anyone gets bored you can add me on msn if you want:

Ok so my rule was that i was going to update this blog every sunday unless something great happened, well i didn’t get to update on Sunday because i was at an 18th on saturday night and i slept over and even though i touched no alcohol me and my sober friend where kept awake by all night by the drunkards and i just ended up sleeping all of Sunday. So ANYWAY over the last week nothing incredibly exciting has happened except for the stuff i mentioned in my other blog about the squirrel. Erm i am actually find it incredibally hard to thionk of anything to write because some fun things have happened but i have been so ill and tired that they have leaked out of my mind.

Ok well until i can think of those major things i am going to ramble about little small things, so i deleted my Bebo on maybe Thursday or Friday night cause i finally got so bored of it and no one ever tried to talk to me on it and i felt lonely so i gave up on it XD The one thing i hate about Bebo is for about two months before i deleted it i only ever went on and checked for comments and then logged off yet now its gone i kinda want to remake it out of fear i am missing something GRRR THE BEBO VIRUS!!!

On Monday night i seen Cloverfield and so far it is defiantly my favourite movie of the year and even though p.s. i love you was good a killing alien rates higher then horrible love. (As you can tell not in the mood for all that lovely dovey crap) My only complaint was that it was too short but i would prefer having an amazing short movie then a very long crap film. Now dont worry for anyone who hasn’t seen it i wont spoil anything but i will say in the last scene pay very close attention to the sea for something very cool.

Erm as far as dreams have gone over the last few days nothing as exciting as the Squirrels just more demented dreams of me trying to defend myself from hordes of strange evil shadows and more of my friends killing me but its normal in my world so i don’t think i will bother going into them unless i really cant find anything else to talk about during this blog.

Wow this really has been a boring week…

Mentally i am still in a bit of depression and my mind is really really dead which coupled with my physically being rather ill is not a good combo but hopefulyl my body will heal but unless something AMAZING happens in the next while i think my depression will continue don’t mind though you kinda get used to it i guess. Oh i just found my Dalek alarm clock!! Hmm actually i think i will add some Dr Who pics to my profile and get some more of my true nerdyness out into the open world. Hehe ahh the Doctor ahh David Tennant he is soo dreamy….

i mean *cough* Manlyness!!

Yep really running out of stuff to write but i will only end it when i can think of a random yet suitable title and i feel that i have truly described the last week…ish.. Despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage… some people say what is lost can never be saved… Ah Smashing Pumpkins.

Oh lent is coming up soon and normally i don’t give up anything but i think i might this year but i still have no idea what i should give up so if anyone decides to post a comment to this really really crap blog then please leave some ideas for lent of just let me know what you are doing.

If anyone gets bored you can add me on msn if you want: (yes i know this is a repeat but BLAH)

Ok well i am going to call it a night because my mind has to be fully working in the morning as so as i can quickly do my maths homework before my random queens open day. Oh i can blabber about that for a bit!. Ok so tomorrow i am going into school for about three periods and i am leaving at break time, getting a lift with my friend David to Lurgan and then i am catching the train up to Belfast where we shall be visiting the Electrical and Electronic Engineering building of queens. We will hopefully get to meet some cool nerds and get a nicey nice free lunch. This is also good because it means i miss boring class and triple Basic Car Maintenance which is getting really boring and i also get to go to Forbidden Planet and hopefully get some comics or a few video games.

Exciting events over the new few days:
Wednesday: Queens University Open day, Hopefully the arrival of DMC4 (Devil May Cry)
Thursday: Queens of the Stone Age at Balmoral Hall (I think)
Friday: QOTSA recovery and a games night at school
Saturday: Day off work so DMC and SLEEP!!

Well i know this blog has been totally crap but have a good week!!


KNIFE WRENCH!!!!!!!!!!!
For kids…….

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