Sunday, August 10, 2008

Unleashing the Devil inside…

Well now kids its time for my Sunday update which as usual is late and is now on a Monday night except this time I don’t have an excuse and it’s just because I was lazy and wanted to play DMC4 all of last night, ahh such a good game XD. Ok well first things first in my last blog I started to list a lot of events that would be coming up over the next few days and I probably rambled on about how excited I was, well now its time for all those people sitting on the edges of their seats (in other words no one) its time to find out if my week was actually as good as I thought it would be!

The first random point of excitement on my list was a random open day for Queens University Belfast, in the Electrical and Electronic engineering department and I was looking forward to it because I was really worried I would want to do it over a Masters in Maths, boy I was sooo wrong. I think the only good point about the whole day was free food and a free 256mb pen-drive but I don’t really think it was worth a train up. Oh and by the way on the train up we got stuck sitting beside a really really old man transvestite, now I have no problem with people having different sexualities and I don’t mind transvestites its just this man was really old and the clothes where so revealing it was kind of grouse and at the same time Hilarious!!!

This calmly leads me onto Thursday night where I seen the amazing QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE now I have to admit I thought the opening band “Encase of Fire” were really really bad (Oh my word how many times have I used really twice in a row its really really annoying…. *eats own fist*) but as my friend pointed out normally the opening bands are bad just to make the main band even better, if that’s the case they passed with flying colours. Now the only bad thing about the night was our Taxi was ordered for one in the morning and of course to piss us off the concert ended at eleven and the only time we could get it changed to was twelve so we had to go wandering to find food. So after about twenty minuets of walking we found this really scarey Indian take away which even though it was close to a just finished concert was completely empty… *Twilight zone music* but after the guys behind the counter had a wee chat with us we kind of decided that they where not serial killers and probably just sold really bad food.

Now instead of being sensible and taking Friday off school since I have been dying of the flu all week, I think I forgot to mention that but anyway, so even though I was dying of flu and had foolishly gone to QOTSA and near died I decided to go and spend a whole day of school sleeping and drinking coffee. It seems that a certain section of our school *cough* Cleaners *cough* take drinks from the hot drinks machine for free and enjoy them in there store rooms and they then decided to give us all free coffee but Shush you didn’t hear it from me! Erm what happened next..oh yes SU games night which was AMAZING, really enjoyed it. It’s kind of weird lately I have been feeling really out of place in my group of friends, well more acquaintances but at the Su games night and during Su I really feel like I have a place instead of just being a guy in the background that never gets invited anywhere. Yeah as you can tell got a lot of issues with friendship at the moment but what can you do.

Ok so I believe that takes us up to Saturday which I had off work WOOO and so I went into town with Andrew and we partied and ended up buying Japanese Battle Robots for £1 each and a half price “Stealth Wolverine” toy which was very cool. So after looking like children and building these robots on the train to Belfast we hung about and got food and such. Then something great happened to me Manafest, now if I am being completely honest I only went because I was meant to go before but things came up and I couldn’t and this time I didn’t want to say no to Andrew because of his cute puppy dog eyes so I decided to go and it was the best thing I have ever done. Now I am not going to go into it all since it was pretty spiritual stuff and it would just be complicated to explain and I am not going into the inner workings of my mind and the many personalities and voices.

Ok so I am now sitting finishing this and it is about 11:30 and this blog really should have been finished on Sunday but Devil May Cry 4 took over my life and I have now completed the main game on normal in less than 5 hours so… *happy dances.* Ok now I have to mention Harriet because well she asked me to so erm.. Harriet is cool! Ok is that enough?? What else am I going to have to do to please you? Lol ok that sounded abit weird but ANYWAY!

Ok well I think this is it so GOODNIGHT NEW YORK!!!!!


P.S. – I bought the coolest hair wax EVER in Superdrug it is made by Loriel and it is called “Manga Head” and it is used to create “the ultimate spiky anime/ Manga head look” its GENIOUS. Now two people did have a negative reaction to my spiky hair but in my eyes they can go die, yes a bit dramatic I know but meh to them!

P.S. 2 – I would just like to thank Daniel for the amazing logo and banner he made me which is on wordpress at the moment and I should be putting on Nerdfighters when I can be bothered.. Oh yes for those of you reading this you could eb viewing it on wordpress or nerd fighters but they are exactly the same blog, NF is the original but since loads of my friends (Namely two and the links to there blogs is too the right) have wordpress I have created an account but the blogs will be exactly the same YAY!

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