Sunday, August 31, 2008

Two hearts are beating in opposite directions, what the frick OOOH What the frick!?!

"Love?... Love? I hate the word, As i hate Mac, all PlayStation 3's and thee!"

Ok well i don't really HATE mac just dislike even though there is one downstairs which i regularly use. ANYWAY i have to get some crap off my chest about a general subject which i hate, called Love. Now in all honesty if i could remove one emotion in my world it would be Love well i would keep love for family and friends but not madly in love.

As i mentioned in a previous blog i had fallen madly in love again and i want to talk about it abit more cause its bloody ridiculous. The person in question i hate, i hate with a pure passion because most of the times she is an utter bitch to me yet i still Love eher cause she doesn't mean it alot of the time and it seems she is naturally just a bitch. Now i fell madly in love during a move and it was like some utter horrible scene out of some soppy Love novel.

"As i leaned in casually to tell her a joke i noticed the lovely glint of the dim cinema light reflecting in her beautiful clear eyes. I watched as she leaned in closer, her face looking ever more beautiful as the battle raged in the background. She slowly started to smile, arching her lips revealing her lovely pearly smile that made me turn to mush every single time. I tried to speak, but my heart was kidnapped in a brawl of hormones and adrenaline. I felt my heart beat like a raging ocean and my mind screaming her name constantly over and over again. I wanted to grab her and give her the deep passionate kiss i had been longing to give her for the last few years but i knew it would never happen. She started to giggle which echoed deep down in my soul making me love her even more. I finished my sentence still mesmerized in her beauty. I started to move back knowing that if i stared any longer it would be the death of me. As we returned to watching the epic fight scene i slowly looked in the corner of my eye at her still undieing beauty in the dim light. Wishing and hoping that she could be mine"

Yeah horrible mushy crap, but thats preety much what happened, STUPID SLOW MOTION LOVE MOMENT THINGS!!! So as the title says there is some sort of uncoordinated split of opinion. One part of me loves her and even that part slightly hates her but then i have my other problem. So there is this girl that once upon a time i met randomly at a birthday party and during the party i thought she was very cool and got on well even though she was as quiet as a mouse. After that i didn't see her until a random formal i went to (the one where Peter was my date since his girlfriend couldn't go XD hehe) but didn't get to talk much. After that i seen her every now and then in school and at friends houses and slowly i started to like her. Now after completely forgetting about her (Sorry) i ended up bumping into her an undisclosed amount of time ago and really got to talk to her properly and she is lovely. No reason for me to hate her, no bitchyness and she is just amazing. So once again love is destroying me by spliting em in two.

Now my problem with this isn't "WHAT DO I DOOOOOOOO BAH SHOULD I SAY ANYTHING TO THEM!" because i know i have no hope with either i am more just pissed off that once again my body as foolishly fallen in love and i don't like having no hope, it just makes me die inside but i can't stop stupid emotions eh?



P.s. - I once sat a cat with a fiddle..... he wore a big hat.... yeah this is random.... but so is your face!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


AARON IS MY HOMEBOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was meant to be a full blog post but Zoe distracetd me and now i want to go read so therefore....


Friday, August 29, 2008

I haven't thought of a title so this will do ^_^

Well hello everyone, (When i say everyone i am preety much saying hello to my two readers). Now this blog post shall be dedicated to Claire since she says she is addicted again, but i find that hard to believe! Ok now lets get the usual stuff over with, at the moment you could say i am listening to the opening theme tune to Casino Royale since well i am watching it ^_^. As for my mood Smiling but unsure within, and before anyone asks i don’t even know what the blooming hell that means!!

On the third beep the time sponsered by FoyFighturist will be 23:26




*violins of james bond music*

Sorry getting lost in Chris Cornel’s lovely lovely vooooice. Ok so anyway tiem for my first mini section of my blog OHHH SUSPENSE!!

A Series of VERY fortunate and good events!!

Ok so after a few months of driving actually i dotn even think its that long but anyway i have discovered that the old Rover 200, Jake the T.A.R.D.I.S appears to be abit of a chic magnet. So the otehr day it had three very hot girls in it (You know you are!! And i am going to ignore the fact my car got brutally scratched because of it but yeah hot none the less!) and then tonight to add to it i seemed to have a topless Andrew in my car so yeah Jake i love you very much!!

And now for my second trick..

Ok so otehr then the stuff detalied above my week ahs been collectively ratehr clam and well bloody boring!! But it gave me a chance to restart reading my favoourite series of novels – The Dresden Files. Now i am in the middle or so of Summer Knight and it is heating up and i just love the writing style of Jim Butcher. Its amazing that even know you can soemtimes see where the plot line is going he can still make it shocking and exciting or just change direction comepletely and make you stop and stare at the book thinking “Oh my god...” Now i do admit i have been getting alot of dirty looks from my parents cause i have burst out laughing in the middle of the night because the book is sooo funny. In particular the Scene where the main characetr Dresden goes to a vampire dressed as a vampire and comes otu with the brilliant line “I’m not just a vampire i’m a cheesy one!!” I actualyl got sticthes!

*cough* yes i am sad.. very veyr sad.. *cough*

But what can you do i have anotehr 20 days of epic bordeum to fill before i hopefully get to move into my accomidation up in belfast, i am just hoping that i can actually get a laptop in time so i can keep posting blogs to my loyal 2 fans XD
Well i am starting to get tired, i really want to continue reading Summer Knight and i have work in the morning so i think its time to bring this very crap and random blog to an end!.


P.s. – Watched epiosde three of star wars again and it still makes my ehart bleed everytime when Obi-Won says to Anakin “You where like my brother!! I LOVED YOU!!” Ahhh poor Kenobi...

P.s. 2 – I hate girls...

P.s. 3 – I hate girls ALOT!!


Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well after some random adventuring on a forum i casually go on it seems that Sci-Fi has given the Green light for a Stargate Atlantis movie after the recent success of Stargate Continuum and The Ark of Truth. Now this is great news because i personally think the stargate movies have been amazing BUT unfortunately that means Season 5 will be the last season of SGA :(. Now after only recently coming to love Atlantis i am quite sad to see it go but i am also very excited over the new series "Stargate Universe" which will involve the 9th chevron.

"According to Cooper, Stargate Universe "maintains the spirit of Stargate, but opens up a whole new 'universe'." It is "a completely separate, third entity" – as opposed to Stargate Atlantis, which was created as a spin-off from the first series Stargate SG-1. Like the first two series in the franchise, Stargate Universe will take place during the present time, not in the distant future. The show will be "set on a ship that was part of an Ancient experiment" to seed the galaxies with Stargates millions of years ago but that was prematurely ended by the Ancients' ascension. After placing Stargates throughout multiple galaxies, a second ship would follow up and explore. When a team of explorers from Earth find an Ancient unmanned ship called the Destiny and are unable to return to Earth, the crew must fend for themselves aboard the ship as it takes them to the far reaches of the universe. The basis of Stargate Universe is that the ninth and final chevron, the purpose of which was previously unknown, would serve to get to the first ship. The show will involve more space-based action than SG-1 or Atlantis."

Information from Wikipedia

Now what i love about this plan is more space based action because some of the space ship fight scenes are amazing but i dono about this idea of a ship investigating a universe it seems great but could also be rather dodgy. So for the time being i am going to sit back, relax and wait to see if it is any good, which could be a looong time since the pilot of Stargate Universe will be sometime in early 2009.

Was thinking of creating a seperate blog just for random reviews of Stargate Atlantis episodes as the season has just begun but i don't know if i could really be bothered. Also rather tempted to start an Role playing forum but getting members is sooo hard and just generally annoying. Oh and thinking of names and ideas sucks!

Well thats all for now since i was just excited about Stargate and i am about to watch the 6th episode of season 5 and hopefully it will be a great one!!



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"You must have a hell of a time going through airports..."

Now the only problem with trying to post a blog is trying to decide what to write, cause you could easily write pure and utter crap (Like all my blogs) or write soemthing deep and meaningful that your friends will love. (Yeah still trying to get one of thoses....) Now i believe i did make an agreement to state my mood and song while writing a blog so erm.. Radiohead - Talk Show Host and mood - Horribley crap. Well with that out of the way LETS MOVE ON!

Bah mind block...

Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

Yes good come back...

So at this moment in time i am still in a weird limbo about my university and i think i have fallen head over heels in love which makes me want to be sick and shoot myself OH TEXT MESSAGE SOMEONE LOVES ME!!! Ok aparently my imagination ANYWAY so yeah not a good time. Not going to say who i fell in lvoe with but i hate myself for it ok now why the heck has this been put in bold? Meh anyway.

Dor Breeding: WHAT THE HELL!?!?!

So i was watching a show that i belive was on ITV 3 which was talking about the inbreeding of dogs and how its effecting there genetic make up and lives. Now i have never been a fan of pedegree dogs i always thought mungrels were cooler in a rusty messy way but it was just a joke.

This is what a pug used to look like in the 1880's:

Now this is what they look like today:

Now i personally think that is a ridiculously huge cause by man due to inbreeding and selective breeding to produce traits that they believe are "Classis" and soemtimes they where never veen seen on breeds naturally occuring. Erm i dont have much more to say on this topic except Its horrible...

Yeah this is a really half assed blog i just can't think straight tonight so it might just end now..

P.s. - Yep, the classic P.s.'s are back even though no one probebly reads this .

P.s. 2 - What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds?
Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death.

P.s. 3 - Daniel if your readin this and dare comment on spelling mistakes or grammer i am so driving oevr and stabbing you!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Return

So after reading my friends blog i decided maybe its time to bring back the old Foyfighter blog flame (Woot thanks Christine!) Now there are some differences since last time, before i used to post my blogs on nerdfighters and Wordpress but wordpress pissed me off so much i haev now switched to blogspot, tehrefore all of the posts before this aren't new and are just very very old posts XD. Now at the moment i have no idea what to say so i am going to publish this and come back later and make a proper post bye!


P.s. - In tradition the p.s's are back and well Imac's are weird...


Well so much for me updating my blog every Sunday… Well as punishment i am going to write a huge blog a kind of life update i know that no one probably reads this but i feel if i can write it all down it can relieve a bit of stress from my mind. Oh i am also going to steal an idea from another blog i am going to try and note any songs i am listening to when i write this kinda stuff and my mood. So lets get the ball rolling!!!

Song - My Chemical Romance - I Don’t Love You (Before you say anything i don’t like MCR but just ignore this and i will explain in a rant later)

Mood - Slowly slipping from a good mood into depression

*Warning - This blog is going to contain several rants which will be mixed in between general information but for fun i am going to number each rant and give it a title, yeah you can tell i am very bored*


Rant 1 - ITouch

Ok as i mentioned in my first blog for Christmas i got a 16Gig Itouch called “Dr Rodney Meridith McKay” Named after the physicist in Stargate Atlantis. Now i love Rodney, i think the touch screen makes listening to music more natural and just allows us to create a closer bond with our MP3 players but unfortunately this comes at a price. First off when i wanted my Itouch Apple said that they would not make a bigger capacity for at least a year until they could get the flash small so they would keep the handset the same size. LIERS! now i know the 32Gig is really expensive and i wouldn’t have got it anyway but its just the way they lied and i was starting to like Apple as well. What actually peeves me off more is the January software update which goes as “Ok yeah we made a mistake all the iphone stuff should have came on the itouch, so yeah its all our fault therefore any new Itouch gets the programs free…… but anyone who was faithful to us has to pay £12 HAHAHA” like WTF!?!?!?! (Bah i hate using the computer lingo) So ANNOYING!!!!! But yeah Rodney if you are reading this i love you still even though your creator and possible Gods are in fact Bastards!!!


Ok life has been a little up and down since last time i posted a blog, thats kinda why i haven’t been blogging i have either been too tired from work or just too depressed to even bother, but its easter and even though i have little energy from last nights escapades (will be explained later) I WILL BLOG BECAUSE THIS IS SPARDA!!!!! ish…. I can’t believe this i had piles to write about in between my rants and now i have forgotten them all!! bah ok i think its time for another rant so i can remember…


Rant 2 - Itunes

BAH THIS PROGRAM WHOEVER MADE THIS SHOULD DIE!!!!!! Its totally unstable and just bloody annoying! I keep trying to install it on an external drive or another partition of my HDD but every time it says “You don’t have enough space on C” BUT I AM NOT INSTALLING TO C I AM INSTALLING TO Z!!!!!! COME ON YOUR A PROGRAM I AM A HUMAN EVEN I CAN UNDERSTAND IT!!! and whats worse is when it does install it wont even work.


As your probably starting to guess i have had alot of anger recently towards very random things so now for some random stories. Ok so my little sisters birthday is coming up soon so i decided to take a random trip to Belfast to try and hunt for a present she would love. And as usual when you go shopping for a really good task you never ever get that task completed! So on my random trip to belfast with the great Andrew who is totally addicted to ebay we witnessed one of the most amazing things of our nerdy lives.

The Blue Screen Of Belfast


YES THAT IS RIGHT A GIANT PROJECTED BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!!!!! Its so random how excited i get over this. Now whats even worse is normally its ok when a computer dies unexpectedly but i mean we passed this thing loads it was up like that for at least 5 hours and no one cared at all. No one stopped, and no one in the shop even bothered to turn it off. You can tell its a devoted company when they dont even look down for 2 seconds to check what the laptop is projecting it could have projecting a word document with passwords or porn and they didn’t even care!! Now i would rant about this blue screen error cause i hate it but i have so many things to rant about that i am cutting them down.


Rant 3 - Transsexuals (Read this before calling me an old bastard cause i have no probelms with people being transexuals so jsut read the rant!!)

Ok so today when i woke up i turned on the Tv and it seems my sister was watching Most Haunted on Living +1 last night, so when i turned to my sky channel it was showing a repeat of a 1st of July party show in America. Now this was one of those jerry springer esq shows so they decided to celebrate the 1st of july (Or is it the 4th? Independence day or something? Ok i don’t know if anyone American reads this could you leave me a comment with the correct one or email me at or something!!) by playing a game of “Born a boy or girl!” Like WTF!?! Lets celebrate our Independence day by getting loads of possible transsexuals on our show and guessing which one of them is male or female! Now it was quite weird random and humorous but i really started hating it when it turned out the girl i thought was undeniably a women and was really really hot turned out to be a man…. Lets just say i have to rethink my life….

So my rant is if your going to become a transsexual don’t be really good at it! Your just making the lives worse for guys who can barely get women because your adding more unobtainable bai. If you going to be a transexual why not follow in the foot steps of my friend here and do it badly:



I keep ranting so much i keep forgetting all the important stuff i was meant to talk about ok i am actually going to give up on this blog and come back to it when i can remember more but as an apology for not finishing this blog i am going to add some humourous pictures!




Always listen to the signs!!



The fun of being bored with a pricing gun!!

P.s. - Doctor Who starts this weekend which means a whole hour of drooling over the lovely and sexy David Tennant…. I AM SO NOT GAY THE TRANSSEXUAL WOMEN ON THAT SHOW LOOKED REALLY GIRLY!!!!! AHHHH

Unleashing the Devil inside…

Well now kids its time for my Sunday update which as usual is late and is now on a Monday night except this time I don’t have an excuse and it’s just because I was lazy and wanted to play DMC4 all of last night, ahh such a good game XD. Ok well first things first in my last blog I started to list a lot of events that would be coming up over the next few days and I probably rambled on about how excited I was, well now its time for all those people sitting on the edges of their seats (in other words no one) its time to find out if my week was actually as good as I thought it would be!

The first random point of excitement on my list was a random open day for Queens University Belfast, in the Electrical and Electronic engineering department and I was looking forward to it because I was really worried I would want to do it over a Masters in Maths, boy I was sooo wrong. I think the only good point about the whole day was free food and a free 256mb pen-drive but I don’t really think it was worth a train up. Oh and by the way on the train up we got stuck sitting beside a really really old man transvestite, now I have no problem with people having different sexualities and I don’t mind transvestites its just this man was really old and the clothes where so revealing it was kind of grouse and at the same time Hilarious!!!

This calmly leads me onto Thursday night where I seen the amazing QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE now I have to admit I thought the opening band “Encase of Fire” were really really bad (Oh my word how many times have I used really twice in a row its really really annoying…. *eats own fist*) but as my friend pointed out normally the opening bands are bad just to make the main band even better, if that’s the case they passed with flying colours. Now the only bad thing about the night was our Taxi was ordered for one in the morning and of course to piss us off the concert ended at eleven and the only time we could get it changed to was twelve so we had to go wandering to find food. So after about twenty minuets of walking we found this really scarey Indian take away which even though it was close to a just finished concert was completely empty… *Twilight zone music* but after the guys behind the counter had a wee chat with us we kind of decided that they where not serial killers and probably just sold really bad food.

Now instead of being sensible and taking Friday off school since I have been dying of the flu all week, I think I forgot to mention that but anyway, so even though I was dying of flu and had foolishly gone to QOTSA and near died I decided to go and spend a whole day of school sleeping and drinking coffee. It seems that a certain section of our school *cough* Cleaners *cough* take drinks from the hot drinks machine for free and enjoy them in there store rooms and they then decided to give us all free coffee but Shush you didn’t hear it from me! Erm what happened next..oh yes SU games night which was AMAZING, really enjoyed it. It’s kind of weird lately I have been feeling really out of place in my group of friends, well more acquaintances but at the Su games night and during Su I really feel like I have a place instead of just being a guy in the background that never gets invited anywhere. Yeah as you can tell got a lot of issues with friendship at the moment but what can you do.

Ok so I believe that takes us up to Saturday which I had off work WOOO and so I went into town with Andrew and we partied and ended up buying Japanese Battle Robots for £1 each and a half price “Stealth Wolverine” toy which was very cool. So after looking like children and building these robots on the train to Belfast we hung about and got food and such. Then something great happened to me Manafest, now if I am being completely honest I only went because I was meant to go before but things came up and I couldn’t and this time I didn’t want to say no to Andrew because of his cute puppy dog eyes so I decided to go and it was the best thing I have ever done. Now I am not going to go into it all since it was pretty spiritual stuff and it would just be complicated to explain and I am not going into the inner workings of my mind and the many personalities and voices.

Ok so I am now sitting finishing this and it is about 11:30 and this blog really should have been finished on Sunday but Devil May Cry 4 took over my life and I have now completed the main game on normal in less than 5 hours so… *happy dances.* Ok now I have to mention Harriet because well she asked me to so erm.. Harriet is cool! Ok is that enough?? What else am I going to have to do to please you? Lol ok that sounded abit weird but ANYWAY!

Ok well I think this is it so GOODNIGHT NEW YORK!!!!!


P.S. – I bought the coolest hair wax EVER in Superdrug it is made by Loriel and it is called “Manga Head” and it is used to create “the ultimate spiky anime/ Manga head look” its GENIOUS. Now two people did have a negative reaction to my spiky hair but in my eyes they can go die, yes a bit dramatic I know but meh to them!

P.S. 2 – I would just like to thank Daniel for the amazing logo and banner he made me which is on wordpress at the moment and I should be putting on Nerdfighters when I can be bothered.. Oh yes for those of you reading this you could eb viewing it on wordpress or nerd fighters but they are exactly the same blog, NF is the original but since loads of my friends (Namely two and the links to there blogs is too the right) have wordpress I have created an account but the blogs will be exactly the same YAY!


If anyone gets bored you can add me on msn if you want:

Ok so my rule was that i was going to update this blog every sunday unless something great happened, well i didn’t get to update on Sunday because i was at an 18th on saturday night and i slept over and even though i touched no alcohol me and my sober friend where kept awake by all night by the drunkards and i just ended up sleeping all of Sunday. So ANYWAY over the last week nothing incredibly exciting has happened except for the stuff i mentioned in my other blog about the squirrel. Erm i am actually find it incredibally hard to thionk of anything to write because some fun things have happened but i have been so ill and tired that they have leaked out of my mind.

Ok well until i can think of those major things i am going to ramble about little small things, so i deleted my Bebo on maybe Thursday or Friday night cause i finally got so bored of it and no one ever tried to talk to me on it and i felt lonely so i gave up on it XD The one thing i hate about Bebo is for about two months before i deleted it i only ever went on and checked for comments and then logged off yet now its gone i kinda want to remake it out of fear i am missing something GRRR THE BEBO VIRUS!!!

On Monday night i seen Cloverfield and so far it is defiantly my favourite movie of the year and even though p.s. i love you was good a killing alien rates higher then horrible love. (As you can tell not in the mood for all that lovely dovey crap) My only complaint was that it was too short but i would prefer having an amazing short movie then a very long crap film. Now dont worry for anyone who hasn’t seen it i wont spoil anything but i will say in the last scene pay very close attention to the sea for something very cool.

Erm as far as dreams have gone over the last few days nothing as exciting as the Squirrels just more demented dreams of me trying to defend myself from hordes of strange evil shadows and more of my friends killing me but its normal in my world so i don’t think i will bother going into them unless i really cant find anything else to talk about during this blog.

Wow this really has been a boring week…

Mentally i am still in a bit of depression and my mind is really really dead which coupled with my physically being rather ill is not a good combo but hopefulyl my body will heal but unless something AMAZING happens in the next while i think my depression will continue don’t mind though you kinda get used to it i guess. Oh i just found my Dalek alarm clock!! Hmm actually i think i will add some Dr Who pics to my profile and get some more of my true nerdyness out into the open world. Hehe ahh the Doctor ahh David Tennant he is soo dreamy….

i mean *cough* Manlyness!!

Yep really running out of stuff to write but i will only end it when i can think of a random yet suitable title and i feel that i have truly described the last week…ish.. Despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage… some people say what is lost can never be saved… Ah Smashing Pumpkins.

Oh lent is coming up soon and normally i don’t give up anything but i think i might this year but i still have no idea what i should give up so if anyone decides to post a comment to this really really crap blog then please leave some ideas for lent of just let me know what you are doing.

If anyone gets bored you can add me on msn if you want: (yes i know this is a repeat but BLAH)

Ok well i am going to call it a night because my mind has to be fully working in the morning as so as i can quickly do my maths homework before my random queens open day. Oh i can blabber about that for a bit!. Ok so tomorrow i am going into school for about three periods and i am leaving at break time, getting a lift with my friend David to Lurgan and then i am catching the train up to Belfast where we shall be visiting the Electrical and Electronic Engineering building of queens. We will hopefully get to meet some cool nerds and get a nicey nice free lunch. This is also good because it means i miss boring class and triple Basic Car Maintenance which is getting really boring and i also get to go to Forbidden Planet and hopefully get some comics or a few video games.

Exciting events over the new few days:
Wednesday: Queens University Open day, Hopefully the arrival of DMC4 (Devil May Cry)
Thursday: Queens of the Stone Age at Balmoral Hall (I think)
Friday: QOTSA recovery and a games night at school
Saturday: Day off work so DMC and SLEEP!!

Well i know this blog has been totally crap but have a good week!!


KNIFE WRENCH!!!!!!!!!!!
For kids…….

A Squirrel with a Sonic Screwdriver WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!!!

Ok so i said i was only going to do a weekly blog post unless something incredibly exciting happened and i think this day counts as exciting except i haven’t decided in a good way or a bad way..

Ok so to start this really really random day our school was in CHAOS this morning as Mary McAleese decided for boredom to visit out school. Oh for those of you who don’t know Mary McAleese or President McAleese is the current president / head of state for southern Ireland. So it seems she got a bit bored and decided to visit our school which of course is in the north. So anyway because of this random visit everything was shinier then usual and the normal rukus of school bags left everywhere in the Atrium all suddenly disappeared and the school was spotless. Was actually quite a scary place cause you kinda get used to dodging loads of random bags and first years lying about in the corridor. So after a VERY VERY VERY long speech she decided to leave and our normal school life continued as normal, even though i missed physics and most of my technology class which i wasn’t too happy about cause i really need to get my robot done O_O

Ok so now for the next big event would have been my triple study at the end of the day where i decided to hide down in technology and muck about with one of my friends. So after some long discussions between us and some of the random guys in our technology class, ranging from music, the differences between spides and hippies, what a wierdo i am and the practical uses of a rape alarm one of my friends moaned at me until he could muck about with Rodney. No one will know this not even Katie so here goes, i got an Ipod Touch on Christmas day and after a long thinking period i decided to name my touch Dr Rodney McKay after the same named character in Stargate Atlantis and sad enough he has now became like a brother to me and everyone i know also refers to him as Rodney. Ok so anyway Phil borrowed Rodney and at the end of the day i left and didn’t think that he still had him so after standing at my bus stop for about 30 minutes i realised that i had left him in technology. I then had to sprint back up the hill to my school, sprint up the hill at my school in the hope i could get Rodney and still catch my bus. So searched my tech room high and low and he was nowhere to be found, tried phoning everyone to find out if anyone had seen it and in the end came to the conclusion that Rodney was stolen AND i missed my bus O_O Just for anyone worrying about Rodney i wont keep you in suspense luckily Phil had him and he is now happily being charged at his house YAY.

Erm as you can probably tell by now when i say i have had an exciting day i really mean i have had a slightly more then average day but my average day is still quite boring compared to some of your probably exciting lives :(

Oh ok so if anyone is friends with Katie, you will enjoy this random section. Ok so i meet Katie a good few years ago through my best friend Zoe who is her sister so ANYWAY last night i had this random dream that i was dander through Banbridge holding a Katana and a revolver (dont ask me why my dreams are very random) So as i was casually dandering along not harming anyone just in my own little world i decided to pay a visit to Katie and Zoe. So after magically teleporting to there house i casual walked in to find that they had got bored and randomly caught a red squirrel which had a gelled quiff and was wearing a long leather trench coat. So after explaining to me why they random had this squirrel they then elaborated and had decided it didn’t suit the leather trench coat and were instead making it a David Tennant style Dr Who Jacket and it had its own working mini Sonic Screwdriver. So before i woke up i had this strange image before me of Zoe trying to train it to do Loop - De Loop’s and Katie frantically making a felt jacket in the corner O_O

Ok well sayings this blog is getting incredibly long for an exciting mid week update i wont keep you guys much longer, i hope! So i think i will finish with some random news. I decided to pre-order Devil May Cry 4 for Xbox 360 last night which hopefully should be arriving on the release date of February 8th which is also the same day i am seeing Queens of the Stone Age live in Belfast WOOT! So my advice is anyone who hasn’t and is looking to pre-order or buy Devil May Cry 4 in the UK should probably get it off since i was able to get mine for only £30 excellent :)

Hmm oh and to end on a Bombshell of evil i have just discovered in my June A-level exams i have a Physics exam on my 18th birthday O_O How depressing is that… Well all the best guys!!



P.S. I love you Nerd fighters!!!


Well i have decided unless something incredibly exciting happens i will probably make my blog weekly and recap on whats happened over the the past week and because i am severally bored i am doing it tonight instead of the wiser Sunday approach.

Well this week hasn’t been incredibly exciting since i was only at school two days because i had my A-level maths statistics exam on Tuesday and got the day before and after off which just involved me sleeping… *cough* and revision…. It was good to finally get back to school, its actually weird how much you start to miss your classes after you have been off a few weeks but it was still good to escape on Friday afternoon!

Oh actually on second thought something vaguely interesting happened, our Technology teacher decided he wanted all of our System development pages in by last period on Friday and pretty much said if we didn’t have it done we shouldn’t bother coming to class. I will point out now either he didn’t realise no one had it done or else he thought no one would have the balls to skip class. I thought it was quite funny until i realised i had about 5 A3 pages of robotic designs to do over the weekend while still working at moy park JOY and yes before anyone asks i am building a robot, i am a really really nerdy guy..

So on Friday night i seen P.s. I love you and even though its a very chick flick style film i did feel quite teary at the end and really really enjoyed it. Only problem is for the next month i have to take cold showers while screaming “I’M A MANLY MAN!!!” but it was worth it.

Ok so this can be quite random but at the moment i have offers for a Masters in Maths or Physics with Astrophysics and i have to decide between both of them and i was just wondering if anyone is reading this and has done or is doing either of those University courses if they would be able to leave a comment and tell me what they are like so i can finally make up my damn mind!!

Bye and DFTBA!!!!!

Jordan A.K.A Foyfighter

I love you… *cough* i mean… arm oh yes if anyone is wondering why my blog title is Kryptonite it is because i heard 3 Doors Down (i think) - Kryptonite in work today and i adore that song and its the first time i have heard it in years so i thought i would dedicate my blog to it. I am starting to wonder if this blog was actually a good idea cause i think its just letting the world know how weird i am…. Well better get back to doing my coursework since i don’t want to spend my Sunday night relax time doing horrible horrible work

The Beginning

Well this is my first ever blog post on Nerd Fighters WOOT Hopefully it will be the first of many but i warn you i am not very good at keeping a blog but i am hoping Katie will bully me into keeping it up to date hehe.

Well some random information my name is Jordan i am 17 and live in Portadown in Northern Ireland but i liek to call it Portyup…yes i am very sad but anyway. At the moment i am trying to set up a new Nerdy site with all my friends called “NGG - Nerds Go Global” which hopefully will become popular in the next few months but you know the hassle of trying to organize Nerds to do work they only really want to if its a game of halo or some large multi-player video game hehe.

I actually think thats all i am going to write about in this blog because its getting late, i have school and just bought a new docking station, Josephine, for my Ipod touch Rodney and i want to fiddle about with it and make sure they get on and don’t try and kill each other.

Cheerio for now!!!